terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Goodbye, 2013

Finally, the last day of the year 2013 has come. The final chapter, or the final page, if you prefer.

I woke up late, and since the night before, I caught myself thinking about the time in advance that people are experiencing in Australia(not only there, I know), and because of that, the early celebration of the new year of 2014, compared to us here in Brasil. Of course it has already happened by now, and I keep picturing myself in situations like that. In advance. Ahead. From afar.

I'm not much of a facebook writer kind of guy, so since I have my blog, I can take the liberty to write and publish it somewhere my own. My own surroundings, my own zone. New Year's gets you thinking, doesn't it?!

Well, I've been at the beach relaxing these past couple of days. I never get too excited before it comes, but after actually being there, it always feels refreshing and you never wanna go back to "normal life". 

Here's a pic of when I started to write the post:

Taking it on the optimistic view, this past year was "fair". But it doesn't get much better than that, since the realistic view steps in and highlights the ups and downs I had. I'm happy to have accomplished new goals, but life always finds a way of balancing it with some sad shit. Truth is, in order to keep it together, focusing on the good side of the shit, no matter how awful it is, is the way to go. So let's keep going!

So many expectations for this new year... even though I know it is gonna be awesome (much more than 2013 was), I'm not gonna keep my hopes up too high. I'm already seeing some buddies go and it makes me even more anxious.

That's is! Let 2013 go and 2014 come. And bring it on! Life, here I come. Australia, here I COOOME!!

And still from Brasil...

PS: This post took me the longest to write so far. Started after lunch and just finished it. House full of people, hard to get some time out alone, right?

segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Holidays mean... recess!

And I'm back! For some of those who follow my posts, sorry for these days away from here. I had to leave the blog aside for a while because every single student on this planet knows how crazy things get this time of the year, when finals come!

Let's see if I can get this straight: I'm travelling on the 10th of February and it is due around 2 or 3 weeks past half of the semester. Yes, the calendar here is crazy. So, what does it mean for me? It means I have to run against time to successfully finish the units I'm currently coursing at my home university before the semester ends and before everyone else(except for those in the same situation). The first part is gone, and when I come back to school next year, I will only have those 2 weeks to turn in projects and take final exams. Just easy, right?

Since this time of the year we have holidays and celebration of Christmas and New Year's, I'm on recess! What I was used to call "vacation", now I have to make do with "recess". I'm glad anyways haha

I will try to enjoy the most of these upcoming 2 weeks celebrating and relaxing! And posting! I also have to remember that this will be the last free time I will get to straighten some last things out before travelling... but we'll be in touch haha ;)

sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013

Sobre tempo perdido

Hoje mesmo eu estava passando por meu news feed no Facebook e me deparei com um compartilhamento de uma postagem em um blog. O assunto me chamou atenção: o famoso papo do tempo "perdido". Esse termo é bem interessante de ser usado!

Esse é um ponto que, pelo menos pra mim, gera uma boa discussão e debate em relação aos prós e contras de passar um ano fora do seu país, pra quem está aparentemente encaminhado nos estudos e com foco real em um objetivo que pode vir em não muito tempo. O fato de ter que, muito provavelmente, adiar esse achievement é o fim do mundo para alguns.

Já vi muita gente se agarrando no fato de ter que adiar sua formatura na faculdade e, por isso, não aplicar pro programa Ciência sem Fronteiras. Eu vejo muito mais prós nisso tudo do que contras, mas isso vai de cada um. Poderia citar milhares de motivos gerais, como é pra todo mundo que está indo ou querendo ir pra fora agora, quanto motivos pessoais, mas vamos deixar pra depois...

O post que comentei no início é esse daqui, no blog de uma menina que está na Croácia. Vale a pena ler!

quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013

Date of the trip

February 10th, 2014. Why about this date? 

So now it's official: the day of the trip has been chosen. Actually, not only chosen, but also confirmed since I paid an amount of U$50 to book my flight tickets, only to go. I know I haven't paid its full price yet, but it is now only a matter of time, to be more accurate, by January 10th I will have paid it all.

This isn't a picture of my real tickets! I will only have my hands on them next year, but this picture best represents the idea for now ;)

Well, our calendar at my home university is a mess due to periods of strike, so I hope I will be done with all the units I'm currently coursing, by the day of the trip. I believe it's gonna be all right!

PS: I was going to post this on the same day I posted about the visa, but I wasn't really inspired. I am still not inspired as I wish I would be now, but it is better go out this way because my final weeks are almost in and every student knows what this means!